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Collection: Railway Sleeper Pond Kit

    • Making a pond couldn't be easier!
sleeper pond kit CWD Pond

    • Enter your sizes below for a quote, shipping is now included in all sleeper pond kit prices for UK Mainland. 
    Railway Sleeper Pond Kit UK


      • Pre Cut numbered sleepers, very easy to build
      • All the screws/bolts you'll need
      • Box Welded Liner, just drops in! no folding it's made to the shape of your pond (or fibreglass for a premium)
      • Premium Underlay used by professionals
      • All the help and advice you need to get the project going!
      • Delivered to your door
      • Lead times now 2 to 5 weeks! (depending if glass is stocked size or not)


    Pond kit - Underlay, liner and glass fitting