Customer Projects

We love seeing customers ponds, whether half done or fully complete! 

If you're proud of your work then please send us some photo's! We'd love to show them off! 🙂

This customer had us build their pond in Preston, they added their own touch afterwards and now it looks absolutely gorgeous!!


Another stunning sleeper pond build using our box welded liner and glass


This customer installed window in Bristol incorporated a stainless steel frame, they aren't a necessity but they do look great!


These two pictures are from a customer in Read, we went out to install the large window and they were so impressed with the look of the glass.. they asked us to make glass to replace the acrylic jump guards he already had installed, now it all matches and looks fantastic!

This is a pond we have built in Blackpool, the customer has decided to keep the main frame natural and paint the coping (before it was screwed down) 

We love the contemporary look of the coping that contrasts nicely with the rustic sleeper frame. He has asked us to add the glass jump guards after seeing our photos from the pond work in Read, we'll be adding those on soon!


This customer in Hull decided to install 2 of our windows!